Russia's invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022 completely changed the Ukrainian oil market. Fuel production in Ukraine became impossible, just as deliveries from Belarus and Russia did. In March, Ukrainian companies started establishing contacts with European fuel producers and traders. Almost 100% of oil product imports are currently supplied from Europe, and Ukraine is integrating into the new market.

The NaftoRynok consulting company, which has been engaged in fuel market analysis for over 25 years, started informational special issues NR Daily Fuels&LPG in March that later became available in English. Each issue contains information about the domestic market of Ukraine: fuel volumes, prices, importers, changes to legislation and infrastructure development. Every day, with about 500 contacts, we keep collecting exclusive information about the Ukrainian fuel market. We interact with verified sources in companies and authorities, we are trusted for our independent opinion and information reliability.

«Our goal is to stabilize the Ukrainian fuel market, to attract as many foreign producers and suppliers of oil products as possible. We are striving to establish communication now, in times of war, when partnership and support are more important than money. Today, when the Russian occupiers launch rockets towards our homes, fuel means life in Ukraine. If you have experience and opportunities, we kindly invite you to get an understanding of the Ukrainian fuel market, which is one of the largest in Europe in terms of consumption and the number of gas stations. NaftoRynok’s analytical reviews will help you understand how to work with Ukrainian companies», NaftoRynok analyst Oleksandr Sirenko says.

Daily_Fuels&LPG it's analitics of Ukrainian fuels market

Every issue of NR Daily Fuels&LPG includes the following sections:

  • Ongoing developments in Ukrainian foreign markets of raw materials;
  • Price situation in all segments - we calculate and record the cost of gasoline, diesel, Jet, bitumen and fuel oil at the border, wholesale price at storage bases and on delivery-included terms, cost of gasoline, diesel and LPG at gas stations;
  • Import–export of oil products, current market balance, emergence of new supply lines and new players;
  • Changes to the legislation and updating of the statutory framework that regulates the oil products market;
  • Marketing of fuel, goods and services in retail chains (special offers, loyalty programs);
  • Overview of infrastructure projects.

Issue schedule: Mon, Wed, Fri

Format: PDF

In addition to analytics, NaftoRynok offers statistics on Fuel Prices.

The Costs of NaftoRynok Periodicals, €: 

The Periodicals1 month6 m (-5%)12 m (-10%)
NR Daily Fuels&LPG En (PDF)1901 0832 052
NR Monthly Fuels&LPG En (PDF)2501 4252 700
Fuel Prices (xls) 60342648
Diesel DDP (xls)45257 486
LPG DDP (xls)45257 486
Total (-10%)4502 5654 860

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